Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer is Here!! {Sorta}

Do you find your self more busy in the summer??  I do.  I don't even know why.  Except maybe I love being outside, so I'm always putting off my real work to go outside and work.  :)  I have the luxury of working from home part time, so often this results in a few days of 8 - 10 hours of cramming work in, so that I can go outside and play the other 5 days of the week.

Playing outside lately has included a chair repainting/reupholstering experience of which I'm in the middle, a spray painting extravaganza of changing free items into items that will work in our home, and learning to use my jigsaw properly.  Hope to start posting some photo rich posts soon.  I'm letting the warm summer days call me back to the outdoors for now...maybe I'll decide to blog from outside....

Just a few of my favorite "early summer" photos.  :)
Hope you're enjoying the weather!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you...I love those days when the kids want to play outdoors ALL day long and I get to spray paint whatever is sitting in the agrage waiting for some love :) 1/2 the time the stuff ends up in a "free" pile by the side of the road, but 1/2 the time it works out brilliantly!! long as the kiddos don't roll their hair in the paint right....
